You can customize the payroll section as per your need, It has all the specifications

A highly customizable and user friendly HR Platform

Active Users
Time Saved

Why use Officeclap

Leave Management

Access accurate leave balance and transactions, anytime

Attendance Management

Capture real-time attendance from biometric machines

Payroll Processing

Disburse payslips with one click

Employee database & self-service

Store employee data, let them know who's who with org charts, log in time off requests

Data-backed HR decision making

Track HR goals with reports on HR metrics like time-to-hire, candidate pipeline and more.

Personalized Workspace

Employee Experience Engagement


Success stories from around the world

Officeclap helps you digitize the same experience, scale it and deploy it across all HR platforms.
7000+ active users
Customers across 100+ Cities
50k+ candidates
80% time saved on managing time off
92% reduction in onboarding queries

Transform your payroll and HR process, today

Reduce HR workload to focus on what matters with Officeclap.
Get Started for Free